16 September 2010

Gunung Leuser National Park

Gunung Leuser National Park, commonly abbreviated as TNGL is a nature reserve status as a national park on the border of Aceh and North Sumatra, covering the areas of Southeast Aceh Regency, Aceh Singkil, South Aceh, Gayo Lues and Langkat. The first 4 districts including administrative areas of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Langkat include administrative region of North Sumatra.

This national park takes its name from the towering Gunung Leuser with a height of 3404 meters above sea level in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. This national park covers the natural ecosystems of the coast to high mountains covered by dense forest typical of tropical rain.

The first national park was officially designated as a national nature reserve based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry in 1980.

Famous tourism object in this national park is the area of Bukit Lawang Orang Utan Reserve, in Langkat Regency, North Sumatra.In addition, the park also received attention due to rampant cases of illegal logging that violates the reservation environment. One of the deadly consequences of illegal logging is a flash flood that destroyed the tourist area of Bukit Lawang a few years ago.

Laut Tawar Lake

Laut Tawar Lake is a lake and tourist area which is located in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Gayo tribe called the Lake of Lut Tawar. The extent of approximately 5472 hectares with a length of 17 km and width of 3.219 km. The volume of water is approximately 2,537,483,884 m³ (2.5 trillion liters)

Weh Island

This beautiful small island located off the northern coast of Banda Aceh. Sabang on Weh Island or there is often also called the island of Sabang which has some of the beautiful beaches dotted with palm waving.
In addition, this island has a dive and snorkeling sites are attractive and also forest areas located in the center of the island. Smooth island ring road has been built on this island that allows tourists to visit tourist sites of nature with all its beauty and uniqueness.
Most of the population of Pulau Weh, amounting to 24,000 people living in the city of Sabang which is the largest city on the island. In the past, been a haven Sabang large ships and a coal depot and source of water for steam ship across the region, but after the emergence of diesel engines after World War 2 the role of coal as an energy source for ships becoming obsolete and Sabang become a deserted city.

In the 1970s, the government established as one of Sabang port duty-free (free trade zone) in Indonesia and this could open activities at Sabang to bloom again. But in 1986 the status of duty-free port of Sabang as eliminated and this city back into the city fishermen. The only economic activity, other than fishing (fishermen); contained in Pulau Weh is to craft furniture from rattan

Weh, Sabang, dan Rubiah

Not much literature that can be obtained to explain the origin of Sabang. The legend that circulated in the community of Sabang, which is located in Pulau Weh, an island that was once united with the mainland of Sumatra. However, in an earthquake, thousands and even tens of thousands of years ago, the island is separated from the mainland. So also with the surrounding islands.

M Nour Syafarie (59), residents of Sabang, claimed to have heard the legend. He half-believed, half not.

Legend has it a beautiful princess who inhabit this island, which is part of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam-ask the Creator for the land on these islands can be planted. For that, he threw all his jewelry as evidence of its seriousness. In return, the Creator and then to rain and earthquakes in the region.

Then the lake was formed and given the name Aneuk Laot. Lake area of approximately 30 acres that until recently a source of water for the people of Sabang although the water level continues to shrink. After his wish is fulfilled, the princess threw herself into the sea.

Although no clear written sources, wants the princess for Sabang into a fertile and beautiful area at least reflected from the beautiful marine park around Sabang. Such conditions have also been given a living reality to the public.

Originally Sabang

Sabang own name, Nur's knowledge, derived from the language of Aceh, "every", which means the same flat or without discrimination.The word that depart from Sabang those characters who tend to easily accept outsiders or visitors. This character is somewhat different from the general character of the Acehnese people who tend to be closed to new they know.

"Maybe because the long conflict that many Acehnese who choose closed," said Djafar (45), a resident of Sabang.

Another version says that the name comes from the Arabic Sabang "shabag", which means the volcano erupted.

Naming Sabang allegedly departed from the many volcanoes in Sabang which traces can be seen in hot water attractions Jaboi.Currently, these attractions are no longer leaving the hot water. But, the remnants of sulfur in there to strengthen that ever existed volcano there.

Weh Island or Sabang has been known worldwide since the beginning of the 15th century. Chinese explorer, Cheng Ho, had stopped there in 1413-1415.

Note Ma Huan, one of Cheng Ho's translator, explained that the northwest of mainland Aceh there with towering mountains, which he named Mount Mao. There are about 30 families.

In his book Ying Yai Sheng Lan, later translated into The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores, Ma Huan told that the land was to be one haven of merchants from various countries.

Mount Mao who stood out from the sea would be a beacon or marker for the merchant. Sabang itself is producing the best lacquer wood and lotus flower production.

"Many historians assert that it is Mount Mao is Pulau Weh," said researchers from the Center for Historical Studies and Social Sciences, State University of Medan, Erond L Damanik.

Sabang Erond also suspect that when it became one part of the maritime trade network that stretched from the Persian Gulf to South China in the 12th century until the 15th. Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India included.

Weh Island itself is the Indonesian border areas with India and Thailand.

Looking at historical records, the Erond not be surprised if later in the free port of Sabang standing. Therefore, traffic is interstate commerce has been going on since long Sabang.

Before World War II, Sabang be one important port city, even more important than Singapore (Temasek). Free port of Sabang has been running since 1895. Sabang increasingly strategic position as Indonesia establish regional economic cooperation with Malaysia and Thailand in 1985.

Beginning in January 2000 President Abdurrahman Wahid insisted Sabang as a free port and free trade zones. Imported goods through tax-free Sabang. Luxury cars from Singapore for sale in the city.

However, when Aceh was designated as a military operation zone, the activity of the free port of Sabang as stalled.

Free port activities increasingly deserted by the publication of Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade (Minister of Industry) Number 610/MPP/Kep / 10/2004 concerning Amendment to Decree of the Minister of Industry Number 756/MPP/Kep/12/2003 of Non-New Capital Goods Imports. There can no longer used items to be entered from all over the Indonesian border areas, including Sabang.


In the islands, in addition to Sabang, there are also Rubiah.Located right in front Iboih, about 20 kilometers west of Sabang.To reach the area of public transportation available from Harbour Balohan.

Just like Sabang, not much written literature can be obtained about the existence of this island. Legend of Rubiah blend with the Sabang.

Go to Iboih would be less if we do not visit Rubiah because most marine parks around the island region.

Walking to the island we will find some bungalows that once inhabited a number of actors in the Aceh peace-PemerintahIndonesia.

A little to the middle of the island, we will find buildings that are similar to community health centers. Inquired have inquired, newly renovated building that houses it was the former home quarantine pilgrim who will go to the Holy Land.

Newly renovated building was impressed not maintained. Waist-high grass growing around adults. The back of the main building, which consists of four bathrooms, let moss. Some bats make it home during the day. It seemed once that building was never used again.

Saliza Mohammadar, Iboih Inn owner, was shocked to see photographs of the building. Despite more than two years living in Iboih, he admitted had never seen the building. "When used properly, be used as gallery for the exhibition of old photographs, will be very good. Visitors must have a lot that interested, "he said excitedly.

Mid-1900s era, known as the embarkation Sabang Sumatra pilgrims. Several neighboring congregation participate dispatch from Sabang. But, now, the building moved to Love Beach, Sabang. Nuns, and pilgrims, just stay a long story. (KOMPAS.com)

Wisata Sejarah Aceh Jaya

Aceh Jaya has several tourist area with a rich history and cultural values, such as:

Raya Island

This island was once a bastion on the island where the Dutch colonial period and is now a tourist attraction because there are relics of historical graves of fallen soldiers here. In addition, Raya Island fishing also become a tourist attraction. In the north there are coral reefs are the main attraction f
or tourists who like snorkeling and diving.

Kuburan Po Teumeurehom Daya

Po Teumeurehom Daya (Sultan Alaiddin Riatsyah) is a de
scendant of the kings of Aceh's famous 17th century.
On every Eid al-Adha, in this cemetery ceremony "Seumeuleng" is a ceremony to commemorate the Sultan Alaiddin Riatsyah (Po Teumeurehom Resources) held by his descendants until now. The whole of society from within and outside the District Jaya Seumuleueng come to witness the ceremony that, because quite unique and not in other regions.

Serving the ceremony consists of traditional foods such as Bu Yapan, Kuah Rayeuk, Takeeh U, Kuah Pengat and other side dishes are cooked in the Village Meunasah Rayeuk. There is a myth if it is cooked in Gravy Rayeuk another village it is likely to
bring disaster. So ditetapkanlah Rayeuk sauce dishes were in the Village Meunasah Rayeuk. Kuah was to be eaten together in the Hall or Askara. Hall was built at the foot of the mountain is not so much with Po Termeureuhom tomb complex.

That day, the descend
ants of Po Teumeureuhom gathered at the Hall by wearing oversized clothes with black domination, wear tengkuluk, fabric sash that reach three feet in length and uses a sword insignia, the people are very lucky if Rice Yapan can be obtained and felt sad when the rice is not got . Rice is rice that is eaten Yapan Po Teumeureuhom the first family, the community believed that eating the rice will get blessings and for the kids to eat rice is to awake from a variety of spirits and avoid disruption of the illnesses.

2004 Tsunami Monument

Is a former construction debris Regent Office of Aceh Jaya, which is not collapsed during the earthquake and tsunami 2004. Being the historical evidence that many of the enormity of the tsuna
mi casualties. The building is now used as a Tsunami Monument, as well as objects and attractions for those visiting Calang.

Batu Sumpah

A stretch of volcanic rock with an area of approximately 160 m2 has its own uniqueness because the rock can provide clues for us and high sensitivity. Until now, the stone is still trusted by the village of Padang District Seunebok Teunom to give a clue
if someone loses property.

To reach the location of the stone, we can ride a speed boat people / fishermen are already available at the crossings to travel 10 minutes long and
is 8 km from the capital district Teunom.


Baiturrahman Grand Mosque was first built Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1612 AD and declared a state mosque as well be named Baiturrahman. Bait means Rahman's house and generous nature of God means. Wide whole pertapakan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman 3.30 acres with five gates. The mosque can accommodate a congregation 10000-13000.

When the Dutch attacked the city of Banda Aceh in 1873, this mosque was burned, then in 1875 the Dutch rebuilt a mosque instead.

This single domed mosque and can be completed on December 27, 1883. Next Mosque is being expanded to 3 dome in 1935.Last expanded again to 5 dome (1959-1968).

This mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia which has the form of a sweet, attractive carvings, a large yard and feels very cool if it was in the room mosque.

Taman Sari Gunongan

Structure's history is part of a larger complex, which Ghairah Park, which is part of the palace garden.
Structure's history was founded around the 16th century during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda.
The details of the part of the Taman Sari structure's history are:

Structure's history stands 9.5 meters tall, depicts a flower that was built in three levels. The first level is located on the ground and the highest level with the crown of a pole standing in the center bangunan.Keseluruhan structure's history is the octagonal shape (octagonal). South entrance foyer is a short hallway, closed the gate into the buffer until the mountain.
  1. Penterana stone carved in the form of a stool-shaped petals that are blooming with concave hole in the middle. This stone chair with a 1m diameter direction toward the north with height 50 cm. Peterana round-shaped carved stone decorated with arabesque motifs nets or nets. Peterana carved stone serves as the throne of the sultan's coronation. Not yet known with certainty the names of the sultan who had been named on the carved stone peterana. Bustanus as Salatin says there are two stones peterana, namely peterana carved stone (masyhadi jaunty flower) and colors of stone peterana patchouli (lotus flower). But that can still be witnessed today is a carved stone flower peterana caprice masyhadi located adjacent to the structure's history and is on the river side.
  2. Cage King is a family cemetery location Kingdom sultan of Aceh, including the tomb of Sultan Iskandar Thani (1636-1641) as the daughter of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636) and wife Sultanah Tajul Nature (1641-1670). Building a cage with a height of 2 m terrace surrounded by a wall with a thickness of 45 cm and width 18 m. The building is made of brick and limestone berspesi berdenah square with the entrance on the south side.